The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers publishes Literary Imagination (an acclaimed review, issued three times per year), Literary Matters (an online journal), and Forum (an imprint on literary advocacy and public policy, issued on an occasional basis and with the approval of the ALSCW Council). The ALSCW is also pleased to present a gallery of rare, limited edition broadsides of previously unpublished poems, signed by the poets and translators.

Literary Imagination
Literary Imagination is a forum for all those interested in the distinctive nature, uses, and pleasures of literature, from ancient to modern, in all languages. Its aim is to encourage wide-ranging discussions between those committed to the reading, writing, and study of poetry, fiction, translations, drama, non-fiction essays, criticism, and scholarship. Paul Franz is the editor of Literary Imagination. More ›
Literary Matters
Forum: A Publication of the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers is a venue in which position papers, commissioned studies, and critical views on a range of pedagogical, educational, cultural, and scholarly subjects reflecting the distinctive perspective of our organization might be made available to a wide audience. This publication is not intended to replace, but rather to supplement our long-standing and distinguished journal, Literary Imagination. Forum will appear on an occasional basis with the approval of the Executive Council of the ALSCW. Forum promises now and in the future to bring greater attention, critical respect, and scholarly distinction to the ALSCW, an organization flourishing as it enters its third decade on the public scene. More ›
Broadsides Gallery
The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers presents a gallery of rare, first-edition broadsides, signed by the poets and translators. Limited-edition broadsides are available as an expression of our gratitude for donations to the Association of $500 or more. Currently available are “Piano Lesson,” a previously unpublished poem by Adam Zagajewski translated by Clare Cavanagh, “The Golden Bough,” David Ferry’s translation of the famous passage from Virgil’s Aeneid VI, and the most recent addition, Jane Hirshfield’s previously unpublished poem “For the LOBARIA, USNEA, Witches’ Hair, Map Lichen, Beard Lichen, Ground Lichen, Shield Lichen.” More ›