Polina Whitehouse
We are pleased to announce that Polina Whitehouse of the Brearley School has won The Meringoff Secondary School Essay Contest. The Meringoff Secondary School Essay Contest offers annual awards to students in grades 9 through 12 who have written superior analytical essays that deal with works of recognized literary merit. Papers may examine style, characterization, rhetorical technique, or structure, and may be about individual poems, short stories, novels, plays, or essays. Papers may also compare two carefully selected works. This year’s awards include a prize of $2000 and publication in the Winter issue of Literary Matters, the online literary journal of The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers.
Winner: Polina Whitehouse (The Brearley School) for “Reaping Poetry: An Analysis of ‘When I have fears that I may cease to be’ by John Keats.” Polina is currently a Senior at The Brearley School. Her sponsor is Jee Leong Koh.
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