We are pleased to announce that the 2015 ALSCW Conference will take place Friday and Saturday, October 9th and 10th at the Louisiana State University, at the Lod Cook Alumni... read more →
Stephen Partridge has forwarded the address for Elise's memorial website. The website contains links to notices and tributes that have appeared. It also contains information for a memorial service in... read more →
Dear friends and members of the ALSCW, Literary Matters 7.3 is now available for your reading pleasure. This issue abounds with pieces about ALSCW events and the achievements of our... read more →
The ALSCW deeply mourns the passing of our beloved friend and dedicated Council member, Elise Partridge. She was a brilliant poet, a dear and treasured friend, and a person of... read more →
James Najarian has won the ALSCW Stephen J. Meringoff Writing Award for Poetry, for his poems "Kleptomania", "From the Armenian Quarter", and "The Frat Boys". The Poetry Award was judged... read more →