Ernest Hilbert at The Nicholas Roerich Museum
ALSCW member Ernest Hilbert is the winner of the 2017 Poets’ Prize for his volume, Caligulan (Measure Press). Mr. Hilbert read from his prize-winning volume on Thursday, May 18th, at The Nicholas Roerich Museum on West 107th Street in New York. The other finalists were Donald Hall for his Selected Poems (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and Joseph Harrison for his volume, Shakespeare’s Horse (Waywiser Press).
The Poets’ Prize of $3,000 is awarded annually for the best book of verse published by an American during the preceding year. The prize is administered by the Lake Forest College and funded by members of the committee.
Dick Allen
Andrew Hudgins
David Mason
Robert Archambeau, Co-Chair
Colette Inez
Linda Pastan
Juliana Gray
Lester Lennon
Robert Phillips
Amy Lemmon
Allison Joseph
Jill Rosser
Richard Foerster
Julie Kane
Timothy Steele
David Graham
Peter Makuck
Leon Stokesbury
R.S. Gwynn, Co-Chair
Charles Martin
Founders: Robert McDowell, Frederick Morgan, and Louis Simpson
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